Well, I've been shamefully absent from here for a year and a half now. Much has happened in that time; the greatest of which is the birth of our second daughter, to whom i will refer as "Roscoe". The reasoning behind this is that right now when she talks, she makes a rather gutteral noise, rather like Roscoe P. Coltrane from Dukes of Hazzard.
She is lovely and she is adored by all. She is now 11 months and says "mama", waves bye bye, plays peek-a-boo, and when asked "how big is roscoe?" she puts her hands over her head as we say "soooo big". She loves to be used as a back scratcher - it just makes her grin. She also adores her big sister and her dog, both of whom are particularly eager to protect her and both of whom are likely to inadvertently injure her.
I have about 3 weeks before I head back to work. I'm not as eager this time due to a combination of things. I believe I am less of a hermit this time and therefore don't need the adult stimulation that I may have needed following my first pregnancy. I think with my first pregnancy there were more people saying how much they wanted me back at work due to problems with the person who was replacing me. This time, there is a very capable lady in my position, who, I'm sure, they'll be sad to see leave.
Roo is now in Grade 1 and doing well. She and I just came home from our first weekend away from baby. We went to a Sparks/Brownie winter camp. Wow, was it amazing. It was as intense as TEC is for teenagers! The people who ran it were fabulous. I learned so much and am eager to continue! Next year I will be moving up to Brownies with Roo and hope that I have a Paddock with me! I'm getting kind of attached!
There are lots of youth things going on too - DYG continues, TEC will happen this spring, I'm on the camp committee again and I will be co-leading Teen Camp this summer. I'm happy to be involved in all this. I just hope it's not too much when I go back to work.
Well, that's the Coles Notes update. I will attempt to come to share more introspections as they enter my brain.