"Some of you may not be aware of something today, some news. It seems that we have been given as much as another day by God to be alive. Perhaps as much as one more day to know God, to love God, and to serve God. Perhaps as much as one more day" (The Rev. Curtis Almquist, SSJE, Superior).
Amazing. You can see more here.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
We will break dividing walls......
There have been some things running through my mind as of late that I'd like to talk about. I welcome feedback. My husband told me this morning that they're not putting up the Christmas lights downtown this year so as not to offend the new Chinese workers at Maple Leaf. Also, in the paper, it said that they are not going to have the fully optional bibles handed out in Grade 5 anymore. There are many many examples but these are the two that are in my mind at present.
We are very concerned about not offending anyone. I am beginning to be offended. Anyone who knows me will say that I am a person who endeavours to be inclusive and welcoming. I'm a person who is curious and likes to see the way other people celebrate their customs. I think a person's cultural background and religion are things to be celebrated. My religion is now under constant fire under the guise of not offending.
When Chinese New Years celebrations take place, I enjoy seeing and/or taking part in what this cultural event has to offer. When i see a menorrah, I rejoice that this family is celebrating Hannukah. When I hear that Ramadan is beginning, I take time to think of all the people who are fasting all day and enjoying family celebrations in the evening. When I hear that there's a pow wow or Sun Dance happening, I revel in its deep roots (and actually wish I could be a part). I'm not offended in the least. Why can't we have the same, as Christians.
Let us celebrate one another's differences and maybe learn more of cultures and faiths that vary from our own. This is the path to peace - ignorance and walls are not....on all sides.
We are very concerned about not offending anyone. I am beginning to be offended. Anyone who knows me will say that I am a person who endeavours to be inclusive and welcoming. I'm a person who is curious and likes to see the way other people celebrate their customs. I think a person's cultural background and religion are things to be celebrated. My religion is now under constant fire under the guise of not offending.
When Chinese New Years celebrations take place, I enjoy seeing and/or taking part in what this cultural event has to offer. When i see a menorrah, I rejoice that this family is celebrating Hannukah. When I hear that Ramadan is beginning, I take time to think of all the people who are fasting all day and enjoying family celebrations in the evening. When I hear that there's a pow wow or Sun Dance happening, I revel in its deep roots (and actually wish I could be a part). I'm not offended in the least. Why can't we have the same, as Christians.
Let us celebrate one another's differences and maybe learn more of cultures and faiths that vary from our own. This is the path to peace - ignorance and walls are not....on all sides.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Youth truly does rock!
I'm fresh off a youth weekend at our church camp. I have been, for about two years, feeling really uninspired in my faith. After this weekend, I'm a mile high. The group, which was 10 young'uns and about the equal number of staff were all amazing.
The smaller group allowed for less pretense, meaning the kids didn't have to act all cool and none were trying to impress anyone. The guys especially floored me. They were chatty and really into talks and whatnot. The girls were great too...we got to spend some girl time, which was fun.
What stands out for me from the weekend was how well everyone gelled, especially my co-director and I. We just really seemed to be in sync this weekend. Another favourite thing was singing everything we could think of, the bonfire, playing Mission Impossible and genuinely hanging with the kids and my friends. I asked them if they wanted to have a diocesan youth group once a month, run by me and my youth partner and they said "YES!" so we've started up a Facebook group to see where this leads....to check out interest.
They are a blessing, without question.
The smaller group allowed for less pretense, meaning the kids didn't have to act all cool and none were trying to impress anyone. The guys especially floored me. They were chatty and really into talks and whatnot. The girls were great too...we got to spend some girl time, which was fun.
What stands out for me from the weekend was how well everyone gelled, especially my co-director and I. We just really seemed to be in sync this weekend. Another favourite thing was singing everything we could think of, the bonfire, playing Mission Impossible and genuinely hanging with the kids and my friends. I asked them if they wanted to have a diocesan youth group once a month, run by me and my youth partner and they said "YES!" so we've started up a Facebook group to see where this leads....to check out interest.
They are a blessing, without question.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Hide 'n Seek
Do you ever just feel like running away and hiding, perhaps with a book or your knitting? I'm kinda feeling like that right now. Tomorrow I start filling in for my friend, running the Sunday School. One might think that after having run the Youth Group (well, I might add) for about 4-5 years and helping with the SS prior to that, that this should be a snap. Well, I'm nervous. I THINK I have everything ready. I'm pretty sure I'll still be alive after tomorrow's class is over, as will the majority of the children... so, I don't know what it is.
I worry about the youth group too. I don't even know if someone's going to be teaching tomorrow. I can't let it get to me. I have to step back and "let God".
Maybe I'll teach them "here is the church, here is the steeple....". My daughter LOVES that one right now. LOL. Good work, you. Tangent complete.
I worry about the youth group too. I don't even know if someone's going to be teaching tomorrow. I can't let it get to me. I have to step back and "let God".
Maybe I'll teach them "here is the church, here is the steeple....". My daughter LOVES that one right now. LOL. Good work, you. Tangent complete.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Ahhhhh, routine....
It's fall. Ok, well, it doesn't officially start until September 21, but the activities begin somewhat before that. My office renos are pretty much complete, I'm done vacation, it's Homecoming at church this Sunday (when all good Anglicans come back from vacation), and I'm back in university. Oh! Roo is starting up swimming and gymnastics right away. I'm also running the Sunday School while the regular superintendent is taking a mini-mat leave....beautiful baby boy!! There sure is a lot going on right now.
I had my first class yesterday. I think it's going to be veeeeery interesting and applicable to daily life. It's a fundamentals of research in psychology course. It's going to partly be how to analyse and organize data. The lab is going to be all statistics. I have never taken statistics and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. I'm just going to have to work my butt off, and get help. No room for pride here.
Wish me luck!
I had my first class yesterday. I think it's going to be veeeeery interesting and applicable to daily life. It's a fundamentals of research in psychology course. It's going to partly be how to analyse and organize data. The lab is going to be all statistics. I have never taken statistics and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. I'm just going to have to work my butt off, and get help. No room for pride here.
Wish me luck!
Monday, July 30, 2007
Necrobiosis Lipoidica
Get this... 60 needles in my left leg. About a month ago, I had about 60 needles in my elbows and knees. It's a weird condition that makes me have red patches or rings and are really quite ugly but not contagious at all. I'm not sure if it's a vanity thing that I go through this torture (oh, and believe me! it is torture!), but I don't like the thought of people thinking I'm diseased and contagious, even though those thoughts are most likely all in my head. I think I've only had one person ask.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Time to expose myself...
Ok, I've been trying to hide it, but I just can't anymore. I'm a knitter, with a fetish for socks. I've done maybe 8 projects - 4 of which have been socks. That doesn't even count the 3 Christmas stockings! I've attached photos here. The pair below were my first ones, and probably my favourites. They are wool and I feel snazzy (heehee) when I wear them, which is as often as I can in the winter.

These ones are made from Opal Feelings self-striping yarn. Here's where you can get it. AAAAAAand....if one ball can make a pair for me (size 12), one ball should do anyone. The pattern for this was taken from my sock bible. If you have a sock fetish, as I do, you need this book. It makes socks in so many patterns and in any size and on any type of needles. Really....get it.

This is my official foray into snob yarn. For those of you who are not yet familiar with the term, let me enlighten you. Snob yarn is expensive and has some special element to it, such as it is hand-dyed or, like this one, has Aloe Vera right in the fibers. Yes, you heard me right. It's supposed to last for about 40 washes. They are sooooo soft. This is the start of them. I am making them for my friend, Teresa. Talk about self-sacrifice. Also, it's a toe-up pattern: the first I've ever done. I've also pooched the pattern. Six frogs so far (cuz I had to "ribbit" back - har).

I will also share with you my "big" project. It is called Sahara and I'm really nervous about it. Again, it's made with snob yarn - Pima Silk. Seriously, it feels like someone scrunched up some little kittens and made them into yarn....or harvested their fur -- whichever. I'm making it in 5137 and it's so soft and shiny, but not in a pleather way. Here's the progression thus far:

You can really see the silken shimmer. And this is what Sahara will look like when finished.......in theory (I'm doing the long-sleeved). I will endeavour to have less cleavages than suggested showing.
So there you have it. I think it's official - I'm an addict. Thanks Jen! ;)
These ones are made from Opal Feelings self-striping yarn. Here's where you can get it. AAAAAAand....if one ball can make a pair for me (size 12), one ball should do anyone. The pattern for this was taken from my sock bible. If you have a sock fetish, as I do, you need this book. It makes socks in so many patterns and in any size and on any type of needles. Really....get it.
This is my official foray into snob yarn. For those of you who are not yet familiar with the term, let me enlighten you. Snob yarn is expensive and has some special element to it, such as it is hand-dyed or, like this one, has Aloe Vera right in the fibers. Yes, you heard me right. It's supposed to last for about 40 washes. They are sooooo soft. This is the start of them. I am making them for my friend, Teresa. Talk about self-sacrifice. Also, it's a toe-up pattern: the first I've ever done. I've also pooched the pattern. Six frogs so far (cuz I had to "ribbit" back - har).
I will also share with you my "big" project. It is called Sahara and I'm really nervous about it. Again, it's made with snob yarn - Pima Silk. Seriously, it feels like someone scrunched up some little kittens and made them into yarn....or harvested their fur -- whichever. I'm making it in 5137 and it's so soft and shiny, but not in a pleather way. Here's the progression thus far:
You can really see the silken shimmer. And this is what Sahara will look like when finished.......in theory (I'm doing the long-sleeved). I will endeavour to have less cleavages than suggested showing.
So there you have it. I think it's official - I'm an addict. Thanks Jen! ;)
Monday, July 16, 2007
Met a girl, cute as can be.....
My girls...one I've had for 3 and a half years and another who's a mere 9 weeks old. Here are the photos:

The picture of Roo is at Kitchee Manitou in Sprucewoods Provincial Park. It's a really great place for little kids. The water stays so shallow for so long. There're also some really nice camping spaces we may have to try out too!
The other pics are of our newest little girl, Mabel. She's a Collie/Lab/Shepherd cross and she's really easy-going. Our older dog, Murphy, isn't too keen on her yet but at least he is no longer threatening to eat her. He's not all that fond of other dogs. If anyone has any special tips, I'd be happy to hear 'em. I like watching the reaction of people when they find out her name....overall - not too fond of it. We think it's cute. I'm taking her to camp with me next week. Roo's going to go nuts without her puppy and her mom around. Awwh.
The picture of Roo is at Kitchee Manitou in Sprucewoods Provincial Park. It's a really great place for little kids. The water stays so shallow for so long. There're also some really nice camping spaces we may have to try out too!
The other pics are of our newest little girl, Mabel. She's a Collie/Lab/Shepherd cross and she's really easy-going. Our older dog, Murphy, isn't too keen on her yet but at least he is no longer threatening to eat her. He's not all that fond of other dogs. If anyone has any special tips, I'd be happy to hear 'em. I like watching the reaction of people when they find out her name....overall - not too fond of it. We think it's cute. I'm taking her to camp with me next week. Roo's going to go nuts without her puppy and her mom around. Awwh.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Fabric self-confidence...
I just got a bathing suit I ordered and it's the first one I've felt confident in in years! It is a Miracle Suit and here it is! I have to say that it cost a bit of money but I think I'll have it for a very long time. It's made for bigger ladies who don't want to look like their grandmas did in the big flowered bathing suits with pointy boobs....OH AND THOSE BATHING CAPS! Remember those? The ones with the big honkin flowers on them? We used to tease my aunt mercilessly. Hmmm...I wonder what ever happened to that...lol. I'll have to ask her.
I also got some bedroom attire, ahem, that I won't describe in any detail except to say that they came with G-strings! Well, that's just laughable on a plus-size girl -- one shaped as I presently am anyway. Needless to say, I didn't buy those garments for the g-strings. I'll save those to give as a gag gift to someone perhaps. Hey, maybe my auntie!!
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
"What God really cares about is whether we love him."
I took the following from this blog I've just recently found and it really touched me.
The Archbishop of Cape Town preached in June at Westminster Abbey and offered this perspective on the touchstone of Orthodox faith. I loved this:
If anyone wants to pick a fight with me about my faith, let it be on the grounds of my relationship with Jesus, and my belief in who he is: the belief to which Scripture attests and the creeds affirm.
Jesus remains the eternal Word made flesh.
Jesus remains the second person of the Trinity, pre-existent from before all time, taking on human form.
Jesus remains fully God and fully human – the double homoousios to which the Nicene creed affirms.
Jesus remains the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, who breaks the chains of death. No-one else can do this.
Jesus remains the crucified one who was raised to new life. In twenty-first century scientific terms, we do not know how to describe his risen body – but we do know he was raised, and we do know he ascended, and we do know he sits at the Father's right hand, where he ever makes intercession for us.
Jesus Christ remains the same, yesterday, today and for ever!
So, even though some of the church is in turmoil over issues of human sexuality, that should never become the touchstone of orthodox belief.
Rather, let the heart of your faith be your love for God, responding to God's love in Christ for you.
And if anyone asks you where you stand, be confident in saying with Paul
'I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I how live, but it is Christ who lives in me. And the life that I live now in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.'
Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town, Njongonkulu Ndungane
You can read the whole sermon here.
Amazing. It's what our faith is all about and a much much MUCH more eloquent way of explaining what I often say "I just want everyone to play nice."
I feel my spirit returning...
Your Power Color Is Red-Orange |
At Your Highest: You are warm, sensitive, and focused on your personal growth. At Your Lowest: You become defensive and critical if you feel attacked. In Love: You are loyal - but you demand the respect you deserve. How You're Attractive: You are very affectionate and inspire trust. Your Eternal Question: "Am I Respected?" |
Your Personality Is |
You are a passionate, caring, and unique person. You are good at expressing yourself and sharing your ideals. You are the most compassionate of all types and connect with others easily. Your heart tends to rule you. You can't make decisions without considering feelings. You seek out other empathetic people to befriend. Truth and authenticity matters in your friendships. In love, you give everything you have to relationships. You fall in love easily. At work, you crave personal expression and meaning in your career. With others, you communicate well. You can spend all night talking with someone. As far as your looks go, you've likely taken the time to develop your own personal style. On weekends, you like to be with others. Charity work is also a favorite pastime of yours. |
Thursday, June 28, 2007
New Do!

Ok, so I did it. My sister was the final inspiration for my new do what with her spanky new haircut. It just looks so clean and crisp. I love it. I went to a new hairdresser, recommended by my good friend, Shari. My shearing was well worth the totally reasonable cost. I went in there with a few pictures, mostly a la Halley Berry and said 'fix me'. Fix me she did! I think she used every tool in her arsenal and knew exactly what my hair would do and where it needed extra attention, etc. etc. I will definitely be going back.
So far, all the friends I've shown it to like it, hubby likes it, friends' kids like it....daughter? doesn't like it. It looks like a boy's hair....like Daddy's....lol. I assured her that I'm fairly confident that people will recognize me as a girl. I'm not sure that she believes me. Yay severe haircut!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Well, how do you like them apples?
On my mind these days has been General Synod and the vote on the blessing of gay unions. To recap, it was passed in the laity, clergy and bishops that it is not against doctrine to bless gay unions. When it came to vote on whether or not these ceremonies would be performed in the church, it was passed in the laity and clergy, but defeated in the Bishops 21-19. This means it is defeated, period....for now. Here's one article from the Anglican Journal.
I haven't quite wrapped my head around what this means. My initial reaction was that some of the people felt that it wasn't quite time yet but that we're heading in a right direction. I think my friend, Jennifer, and in turn, Toni, summed it up quite nicely. Here's the link.
I've always felt that the Anglican denomination was for thinking folk, which includes some interpretation of scripture - when it was written, who it was written by, and for whom. Also, I feel that it's very important to know what lesson the writer was trying to get across. I'm not someone who likes to pull out a particular quote and say that I know exactly what it means on the spot. I can read something and say what I think it means for me, but I can't speak for everyone, because I may not know the history behind that one line.
I love the Anglican faith - its ritual, its intelligence, and hopefully the fact that both sides of this potentially dividing issue can come together for some healing and new visioning. I am ever hopeful.
On my mind these days has been General Synod and the vote on the blessing of gay unions. To recap, it was passed in the laity, clergy and bishops that it is not against doctrine to bless gay unions. When it came to vote on whether or not these ceremonies would be performed in the church, it was passed in the laity and clergy, but defeated in the Bishops 21-19. This means it is defeated, period....for now. Here's one article from the Anglican Journal.
I haven't quite wrapped my head around what this means. My initial reaction was that some of the people felt that it wasn't quite time yet but that we're heading in a right direction. I think my friend, Jennifer, and in turn, Toni, summed it up quite nicely. Here's the link.
I've always felt that the Anglican denomination was for thinking folk, which includes some interpretation of scripture - when it was written, who it was written by, and for whom. Also, I feel that it's very important to know what lesson the writer was trying to get across. I'm not someone who likes to pull out a particular quote and say that I know exactly what it means on the spot. I can read something and say what I think it means for me, but I can't speak for everyone, because I may not know the history behind that one line.
I love the Anglican faith - its ritual, its intelligence, and hopefully the fact that both sides of this potentially dividing issue can come together for some healing and new visioning. I am ever hopeful.
Friday, June 22, 2007
The game is SCATTERGORIES…it’s harder than it looks! Here are the rules: Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following. They MUST be real places, names, things…NOTHING made up! If you can’t think of anything, skip it. Try to use different answers if the person before you had the same 1st initial. You CAN’T use your name for the boy/girl name question.
Your Name: Cheryl
1. Famous Singer/Band: Chicago
2. 4 letter word: lol....ok, um....cook
3. Street: Clement Drive
4. Color: Coral
5. Gifts/Presents: clock
6. Vehicle: Cordoba (oh my honey would be so proud of me)
7. Things in a Souvenir Shop: coffee mugs
8. Boy Name: Chad
9. Girl Name: Carly
10. Movie Title: Can't Buy Me Love
11. Drink: Coke
12. Occupation: Counsellor
13. Celebrity: Courtney Cox
14. Magazine: Oh, Cosmo...for sure
15. U.S. City: Chicago (again)
16. Pro Sports Teams: Chicago Bears
18. Reason for Being Late for Work: Cut off in traffic
19. Something You Throw Away: Cookies cuz they're EVIL
20. Things You Shout: CRAP!
21. Cartoon Character: Caillou
Your Name: Cheryl
1. Famous Singer/Band: Chicago
2. 4 letter word: lol....ok, um....cook
3. Street: Clement Drive
4. Color: Coral
5. Gifts/Presents: clock
6. Vehicle: Cordoba (oh my honey would be so proud of me)
7. Things in a Souvenir Shop: coffee mugs
8. Boy Name: Chad
9. Girl Name: Carly
10. Movie Title: Can't Buy Me Love
11. Drink: Coke
12. Occupation: Counsellor
13. Celebrity: Courtney Cox
14. Magazine: Oh, Cosmo...for sure
15. U.S. City: Chicago (again)
16. Pro Sports Teams: Chicago Bears
18. Reason for Being Late for Work: Cut off in traffic
19. Something You Throw Away: Cookies cuz they're EVIL
20. Things You Shout: CRAP!
21. Cartoon Character: Caillou
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Ok, big change here...
I have resigned from being the youth leader at my church. I've realized that I'm not getting the support I need, primarily. Sure, I can find people to make kool-aid...that's not the point. What I've needed is support from the foundation up....and have not received it. I don't think people realize how deep youth ministry goes -- talking to kids till 1 a.m. who have some very real issues...worrying about them. That, added to the organizing, planning, executing and running of events and Sunday morning classes really can wipe a person out. Don't get me wrong...I LOVE the youth. It's simply exhausting. I will now get to spend more time in the Sunday School, where my girlie is - yay! And, I will have the option of not going on a Sunday. How do ya like that!?
Next Saturday is the Camp fundraiser Stew Supper. It's always a good time. I've got to make some food for it and get a couple gifts for the Rainbow Auction. Yay! Oh heck, I'm just gonna end'er there for tonight.
Next Saturday is the Camp fundraiser Stew Supper. It's always a good time. I've got to make some food for it and get a couple gifts for the Rainbow Auction. Yay! Oh heck, I'm just gonna end'er there for tonight.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Knittin' on a roll.....
Ok, I've got to say that for an advanced beginner knitter, I'm moving along quite nicely. I finished two projects this weekend! I'm pretty sure I won't have another day like that anytime soon. I've also figured something else out. I've always known that I need to replace my evening eating habit with something else. (This is what Dr. Phil says!) KNITTING! Yes, not only does it produce moderately cute garments and gifts, it makes me not eat!!! What could be better than that!
Ok, more on these later, da girlie needs me! :)
Monday, February 12, 2007
Ok, here we go. I'm not sure where I'm going with this blog but I'm hoping to be able to share some of my thoughts and perhaps insight into the world and what's going on around us. Goodness knows that I have many things to say sometimes, and working at a church, I am unable to share them. I want to talk about the crazy and stupid things that happen at work, the funny things my girlie does and just have a space to come to that's mine. First off, I'll introduce you to my girl.
We call her Roo. She is crazy and we love her to death. The name Roo comes from her first babysitter and my best friend, who tagged her as "Kenzie-Roo" like kangaroo...get it? hahaha....anyhoo... it just stuck. She's 3 years old and a go-er. She's just been potty trained and is doing quite a good job! I decided that to celebrate her finally being potty trained (one day - diapers, next day - panties) that we'd have a panty party!! Yes, a panty party.
I told her that when she went a full day in panties (except for nap time) that she would be able to have a panty party. At the time, I had no idea what that would be but I ran with it. Well, she was beside herself with excitement. "Can Erin and Erica come over????!" she asked me. "Of course!" I replied. So...day 1. Panties all day. YAY! So, I improvised. I went shopping for panties for 3 little girlies....and that Saturday we had a panty party. The girls came in and they put their new panties over the ones they were wearing and ran around in their tshirts and underwear. It was hilarious. We watched a movie, had hot dogs and cake and I even made up a song. You couldn't pay me enough to post it on here.....lol. It was fun...and, no, the two moms did not partake in the panty party, other than the food.
I told her that when she went a full day in panties (except for nap time) that she would be able to have a panty party. At the time, I had no idea what that would be but I ran with it. Well, she was beside herself with excitement. "Can Erin and Erica come over????!" she asked me. "Of course!" I replied. So...day 1. Panties all day. YAY! So, I improvised. I went shopping for panties for 3 little girlies....and that Saturday we had a panty party. The girls came in and they put their new panties over the ones they were wearing and ran around in their tshirts and underwear. It was hilarious. We watched a movie, had hot dogs and cake and I even made up a song. You couldn't pay me enough to post it on here.....lol. It was fun...and, no, the two moms did not partake in the panty party, other than the food.
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