The picture of Roo is at Kitchee Manitou in Sprucewoods Provincial Park. It's a really great place for little kids. The water stays so shallow for so long. There're also some really nice camping spaces we may have to try out too!
The other pics are of our newest little girl, Mabel. She's a Collie/Lab/Shepherd cross and she's really easy-going. Our older dog, Murphy, isn't too keen on her yet but at least he is no longer threatening to eat her. He's not all that fond of other dogs. If anyone has any special tips, I'd be happy to hear 'em. I like watching the reaction of people when they find out her name....overall - not too fond of it. We think it's cute. I'm taking her to camp with me next week. Roo's going to go nuts without her puppy and her mom around. Awwh.
Yay didn't know you had a blog until just now. Love the pictures. Hope you are really enjoying your holidays. ♥