The pregnancy's been going fairly well. I'm into my 14th week but have yet to hear the heartbeat, even after two attempts. Well, we thought we heard it last Wednesday, both the doctor and me, but we weren't sure. Hopefully we'll hear it loud 'n clear next Wednesday. I'm feeling that all is well, so that's a good thing. With this pregnancy, I tell ya, it's a little more nerve wracking. Now that I'm post-35, there are all those extra tests you can take. I've had the screening ones so I should get those results back on Wednesday too. My s-i-l had an amnio and she said it was fine, so I'm not as nervous about that one, if we opt to get it. I'm not concerned about many of the potential problems, but it'd be nice to be prepared.
Roo started Kindergarten last week, as you know. She's done very well and is making new friends. I'm very happy that it's so structured. That's exactly what she needs. She's going every morning. Our neighbour boy is in the same class. This is a very good thing!

Roo did a very cute thing the other morning. I was lying in bed and she came in. I asked for a hug and a kiss, so she did...and she said "this hug's for you and here's a little one for the baby". I love her so much. She's been being very considerate and loving....putting pillows under my feet and the like. She's going to be a most excellent big sister. Oh! she's also decided on names. If it's a girl (which she's sure it'll be) then she wants to name her Isla Rainbow. If it's a boy, it's going to be called Sammie. I think we'll have to think long and hard about that.......
Yesterday was homecoming at church. It was very nice. We had a barbeque and there were lots of people about. Everyone was very chatty afterward and I feel as though we've made some great connections there. And, what can beat a reading about the most important thing being "love". God is good!
After church a little hummingbird ran into our front window! I'm glad I hadn't yet cleaned it, otherwise, I would have blamed myself! Anyway, I went outside, followed by a swarm of kids (ok, 3) and we looked at this little birdie on the ground. It was so pretty and was gripping the grass for dear life. I righted it a bit, as it was off kilter, and noticed that the neck wasn't broken or anything. So, I did the natural thing, and got my camera phone! Here's the little guy:

We were very happy when he flew away after about 20 mins of close scrutiny by excited children! Good times!
Here are another couple random recent pics of our girlie:

I'm choosing to have a good day. :)
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